Regular visits to the dentist are extremely important, and yet there are millions of people who dread these appointments. From discomfort in the chair to general dental anxiety, there are numerous reasons why people put off much-needed treatments and exams. If you suffer from similar apprehensions, sedation dentistry provides an excellent solution. Dr. Daren Becker offers a variety of sedative options for patients, helping those who visit our office feel comfortable and confident throughout their procedure.
Sedation Options
Because individuals need different forms of treatment and experience dental anxiety for different reasons, there are options when it comes to sedation:
It is important for patients to feel confident with the particulars of their medicine. For some people, the idea of being fully unconscious is unsettling, and a local anesthetic is all that is needed. After an injection into the gum tissue, a portion of your mouth and face is walled off from nerve signals, allowing Dr. Becker to work without causing any discomfort.
Alternatively, some patients would rather sleep through their entire procedure. If this is your preference, there are two options: oral and nitrous oxide sedation. Many people are familiar with nitrous oxide, while the sedative pill is a newer option which can be prescribed by your dentist. With either treatment, patients can safely sleep through their procedure and avoid the anxious and restless feelings. Both these choices may require assistance from a friend or family member getting you to and from the office.
Take the Right Approach
We believe it is worth taking a little extra time to make your dental care more enjoyable. By setting up an appointment to discuss your treatment, you can inquire about our sedation practices and find out what will be best for you. Please contact our office in Atlanta, GA and a member of our staff will help you schedule a visit!